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Rural Culture and Physical Education

Development association


Sport and physical education is another view of join or fight with the surrounding natural environment. It
noteworthy that human mind requires minimal training. If circumstances are integrated with rural
traditions, intrinsic rural development would be definitely followed by increased productivity of land and
creatures. Sport and physical education not only facilitate human interaction with rural development
factors, but it will reconcile humans with development and their economic, social, cultural activities with
the surrounding environment.


Realities indicate limited hardware and software sports facilities in India. Given the young population and youthful enthusiasm and interest in sport, authorities should develop a plan for decentralization and development of sports facilities in different parts of India. A general look at the structure of sport and
physical education in Iran clearly reveals the lack of facilities in rural areas. This can lead to migration, drug addiction and other social complications..


The main objective of the present study is proper distribution of sport facilities in rural and urban areas of the region and thereby propelling rural talents to championship as well as using them in provincial sports teams. The specific objective of the present study is to demonstrate the effects of sport and physical education in the society. The researcher attempts to provide sport facilities for rural areas of the region. The most important objective is propelling villagers to public sports which can bring vitality for the residents.


Sport and physical education is an integral part of education and a means to achieve physical and mental health. It should not be assumed that physical education and is a fancy worthless issue and merely a means for fun and engagement of children and adolescents. In contrast, it should be considered an important component of life activities. Concepts such as fitness, health, personal and social development and mental health are closely related to sport and physical education. A historical review demonstrates that civilized nations of the world always have paid attention to the importance and role of sport and used it for the development of youth and preparing them to deal with personal and social problems.
There is a great gap between urban and rural areas in India. Rural residents clearly feel this gap in terms of sports facilities. The present study aims to fill the class gap by initiatives and demonstrating the benefits of exercise and sport, hoping that the status of physical education in rural areas would be more seriously followed in future plans of the government. 

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